viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Overwriting Soap Location at Jboss Bottom up WS


The Jboss Server overwrites de soap location tag on the generated wsdl, for those who want to publish the generated wsdl with a different host/port location, (and not jboss install specific but app specific, meaning that each ws can have a different location) the solution I found was:

* Generate the webservice, and download the generated wsdl.
* Change the soap-location by hand
< service name="ExampleServices">
< port binding="tns:ExampleServicesBinding" name="ExampleServicesPort">
< soap:address location="http://www.mynewlocation:8090/servicepacket-1.0.0/ExampleServices"/>
< /port>
< /service>

* Put the file on META-INF/wsdl/thisservicename.wsdl
* Add to your @WebService the "wsdlLocation" parameter as in this example:
@WebService(serviceName="ExampleServices",targetNamespace="urn:ExampleServices",name="ExampleServices", wsdlLocation="META-INF/wsdl/ExampleServices.wsdl")

One more thing u'll need to do is look for jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deployers/jbossws.deployer/META-INF/jboss-beans.xml file and;

and set the parameter < property name="modifySOAPAddress">true< /property> to false

You don't need to do anything about the other webservices , because if the server doesn't find a wsdlLocation parameter it will write the default one, always.

The server must be restarted.

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